Sunday, March 10, 2013

Newest Painting

Quite often I am asked to do a commission and this one I just finished for clients of the Childhood's End Gallery  in Olympia. They gave me a couple of  ideas after looking through my  coffee table book and it quickly started to take shape.  I used my layering and glazing technique extensively throughout the painting and some areas have over 20 applications of glaze.  From inception to finish it took just under a month to complete and I thoroughly enjoyed the challenge.

"Hillside Orchard" 20"x 54"  fluid acrylic on 12 .oz gallery wrapped canvas
Over the years,  I have listened to many different opinions from fellow artists about doing commissions.  Some make their living by them while others have only horror stories to tell.  Personally, I enjoy doing them and think that to stretch my imagination and capabilities is always good.  So far I have only good stories to tell.  Any thoughts?


  1. This is absolutely wonderful, Don! Your paintings have so much life in them.

    Ahhhh, commissions. When I started painting the buildings in our little town, the commissions really started coming. I like doing them, because people are wanting my quirky "Bethville" style and I get to have fun with my interpretation. I'm hoping to get some from my show in Kansas City, too. I'm glad I don't paint people. That kind of commission would be so much harder.

  2. I like doing commissions, as they not only stretch me to conform to someone else's vision, they also teach me to be diplomatic - and usually we end up with great relationships and references - always good. I love this piece, Don.

  3. Wow! This is stunning Don. You are obviously really skilled at working with people on commission work. The result speaks for itself.

  4. Beautiful painting! It looks as if you really tried to capture the mood and spirit of the scene as well as express it through your own unique style...(which is why they commissioned You!) . Bravo!!!
