Wednesday, May 15, 2013

Drawing what you see

My wife Jolene is also an artist and we have made a commitment to plein air paint or sketch together at least once a week during the spring and Summer months. We enjoy living in Port Townsend because there are endless subjects to fascinate us and no matter where you you look a vista craves to be painted.   These are pencil drawings of the sail loft at Point Hudson and the Pope Marine building as interpreted by Jolene.....

Here are my depictions of  the sail loft and the Pope Marine viewed from the same vantage point...  

It is fun to draw or paint together and see how novel each of us captures the same subject .

Thursday, May 2, 2013

Back in the studio

I have been able to put in some studio time recently and I have been finishing up a few canvases that I stared late in March.  I previously posted pictures of  three in the very beginning stages with just the first layer applied.  here are  two of that group that  I have finished.

I also finished a couple of others that I had started.  Here are the final results.